Appointed by Attorney General: Stanton Ades, P.D.; Robert H. Bass, M.D.; Teresa M. Bianco, R.N.; Alisa Billington, P.D.; Ed Bordin, M.D., J.D.; Father Timothy Brown, J.D.; Stephen C. Buckingham, Esq.; Rev. James J. Conn, J.D., J.C.D.; Ann Marie Doory; Virginia A. Dulany, M.D.; Thomas Finucane, M.D.; Janet H. Forlini, J.D.; Moises Fraiman, M.D.; F. Michael Gloth III, M.D.; Patricia Grimm, Ph.D., R.N.; Stuart Grossman, M.D.; Kathryn Hall; Diane E. Hoffman, Esq.; Paula C. Hollinger; Marion Keenan; Steven A. Levenson, M.D.; Sandra Martin, R.N.; Camilla O. McRory, Esq.; Joseph A. Mead, Jr., M.D.; Leonardo Ortega; Robert G. Rosenberg, M.D.; William Russell; Robert J. Ryan, Esq.; Clyde R. Shallenberger, D.D.; Henry Silverman, M.D.; George Smith; James Springrose, M.D.; Peter Staats, M.D.; Claudia L. Thomas, M.D.; Sue Vaeth; Janet Will, R.N.; Cheryl E. Winchell, M.D.; Jack M. Zimmerman, M.D.
Contacts: Jack Schwartz, Office of Attorney General (410) 576-6327
Ruth Gaare, Bioethics Institute, The Johns Hopkins University (410) 614-4188
In 1997, the Office of the Attorney General with the Bioethics Institute of The Johns Hopkins University began a project concerning health care services and the law. They joined together to identify in what significant ways the legal system affects the quality of care at the end of life, and to develop priorities for legal reform.
Created by the Attorney General in 1997, the Advisory Board on Ways that the Legal System Affects Care at the End of Life included representation from diverse organizations and individuals. The Board served as a forum for developing ideas and discussing goals and priorities. After funding ended, the Board disbanded in Jan. 1999.
Under Division of Consumer Protection, merged with Complaint Handling Unit to form Mediation Unit in 1997.
Under Division of Consumer Protection, merged with Arbitration Unit to form Mediation Unit in 1997.
In Feb. 2007, reorganized as Criminal Division.
Under Criminal Investigations Division, disbanded in Dec. 1998.
Under Criminal Investigations Division, phased out in Feb. 2007.
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